Online driver’s school giving away iTunes – for FREE!
Faithful Macenstein reader Art Vandelay writes:
So I was on my Facebook, when I came across across a very bizarre ad in the lower left corner…
Now I for one would be very excited to win a copy of iTunes, since Apple charges such an outrageous amount for it!
The ad in context is below. And no, I am not actually that fat, or that flexible.Art Vandelay
This story is all kinds of wrong. First, should there really be such a thing as an online driving school? And second, yes, it turns out that what (which is apparently “California’s Only Free Online Driver’s Ed Course”) is actually giving away is a free $10 iTunes gift card to every 10th student who passes their test. I like those odds! I fancy myself quite the driver ed’s geek (I have never even gotten a parking ticket!) so maybe I will take that California’s Driver’s test, despite my NJ residency. 10 bucks is 10 bucks!
I got my drivers permit through this site and won the $10 iTune card. You do know it is only for teenagers right? It sure beat the 30 hours in a classroom I would have had to do and I didnt need a credit card until it was time to take the test. My friends use this site for betting on who knows more about driving and seeing if they are right. All the other drivers ed sites just want your money upfront. I like this one. has the best driving sites and http://www.myCalifornia Permit is one of them 🙂