Video: Conan O’Brien using iChat to chat with Max Weinberg/LaBamba
Wow. When we witnessed his insane laughter during that horrible Windows Media Center debacle, we just knew Conan O’Brien was a Mac user. Well, faithful Macenstein reader Jamie Haggett was able to put some proof in our pudding this afternoon. Jamie gave us a heads up that on last night’s episode Conan was seen using iChat on a MacBook Pro to chat with absentee drummer Max Weingberg(aka “dummerboymax08”), currently on tour with Bruce Springsteen (Conan actually claims to have bought Max a MacBook as well). When Max predictably had nothing to say, Conan brought in fellow bandmate LaBamba for a 3-way video chat, with equal electricity. Nice to see iChat AV hold up to an HD broadcast.
I decided to grab it from, hopefully Conan doesn’t mind a little viral marketing… Enjoy.
You know, I just love seeing things like this, and then listen to people down the Mac.
On live television, the ease of use is astounding! Try doing that with Vista…
I wonder how much Apple paid for that giant product placement advertising.
probably not as much as the media buy for the Dell ad that followed.
i haven’t done a video chat in leopard yet – does it seem like there was a delay in this clip?
It’s funny (and kinda sad) but I’ve seen so many of Steve Jobs’ keynote speeches that I was half expecting the crowd to ooh and ahh when Conan switched to the fancy three way chat.
Ya, same with me! I was totally expecting the RDS to kick in, and was wondering what was wrong. Funny…
I have no idea what you are talking about! I have used my sister’s Mac a few
times but when I read info about Mac’s it’s like reading a foreign language haha!
I’ve never owned one myself.
I converted over my entire family to Mac’s by simply REFUSING to reinstall their shitty Wintel machines any more.
My family & I use iChat to each other across the world. Im not there to hand hold them but you know what? They use their Mac’s daily with virtually ZERO problems.
I was’nt there to show them how to use iChat but they picked it up & used it with only minimal help.
Wintel users can diss Apple all they like but many MANY people are daily discovering the big con of Wintel.