Rumor: iPod Gen 2 ad at Wal-Mart?
Aside from the mysterious “gen 2”, there’s not much in this Wal-Mart ad snapshot to get excited about as the specs and prices seem the same as the current generation iPod touch.
But hey, who needs a legitimate reason to get excited? This is an Apple product we’re talking about! That’s reason enough to go nuts. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Art Vandelay for the tip.
[via ipodtouchfans]
Movie rental? Hmm…
Probably means it has the $20 upgrade applied. You can’t expect the average Wal Mart shopper to know actual version numbers.
It’s the /B model with the updated software, so to Walmart it’s the second version.
Having worked at Sears, I know that in our store when things ended in .88 they were on close out. Would assume that’s what this is. Definitely not the new version, though.
Really? cool…
@brian, Movie Rental is available now for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPods via iTunes.
As mentioned in blog post, all specs up there it can do now. And why would Apple release a gen2 of the Touch so quick. It came out later than the iPhone and what new hardware would it really add that it needs? I guess if a Mic was part of it and GPS then it could be a nice hardware upgrade.
Can somebody explain the “We” after the Movie Rental spec?
Will say the model number listed there is an exact match for the “current” iPod Touch which points to Photoshopped shot since I have worked retail and know if there was a new “model” then there would also be a new model number. Or it could just be Walmart sign makers are dumb.
Qwinn got it right. It’s model number MA623LL/B. Look in the lower right hand corner of the price.
“We” most likely is “Web Browsing” cut off.
I know for a fact that this just mean it has the new apps on it. I work at Future Shop, and ours are marked similarily. Nothing to get excited about. Same old iPod.
Why do people automatically assume things are photoshopped. BE LOGICAL PEOPLE.