Is there a piece of genealogy software on the planet that could help this guy?
Given that today is Father’s Day, I thought it only fitting to run this story in hopes of bringing awareness to some of the special problems that face modern Fathers. Take a look at this comment left on VersionTracker for the genealogy software MacFamilyTree (quite possibly the best comment ever left for any piece of software), and tell me if you think there’s a piece of genealogy software on the planet that could help this guy.
genealogy software
Version: 5.2b7
Feedback Type: Commentary
Contributed by: Ancient_Boii_Tribe Friday, June 13 2008 @ 01:05 PM PDT
Product Platform: MacOSX
Used Product For: Over One Year
Recommend Product: YESit’s awesome but very hard to work with the UI is a pain. One example, is connecting kids and multiple parent. My wife has a mother that married a pervert that liked young girls. She was also a World book door to door sales person. She had sex with an executive at Johnson & Johnson in NJ on his desk in his office. That ended up being my wifes real father. It turns out that he could keep it in his pants and was a perv. too.
My wife didn’t find out till she was 21 and met him once. She got the creeps. Think about that next time you use a Q-Tip or Baby oil. Then the kiddy perv finds out that my wife was not his daughter. Shortly after he has a stroke. Shortly after that they find him face down in the back yard creek in a foot of water dead. She calls the uncle who is the local cop and they take him off to be buried. There was no investigation. I think she did him in. I think the mental illness runs deep in that family. I can’t seem to show who the real father is and the step-father and at the same time link it too the mother as being the bio and of of the fathers being a step and the other a bio.
I was a Rock-n-Roller and I’ve got kids and grandkids all over the place. Most I don’t even know about. So same problem.
I’ve been married so many times I lost count. I’ve got a shit load of step kids on top of bio-kids.
I am a really good father though.If that wasn’t complicated enough, my Mother told me the other day that Henry the VIII’s 2nd with Anne is related in some way. She may have descended from the Ancient Boii Tribe too.
I spoke to Mendel Kucharzeck, the author of MacFamily Tree, and despite this guy’s seemingly unique set of circumstances, he tells me they are “working on the problem of connecting more persons together in a more user friendly manner”. Hopefully that includes a drop down for “a shit load of step kids and bio-kids” .
Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Walter for the tip!
Some Family Trees should be cut down.
Mac chick yet?
Just as we do with software/hardware development we should also do with ourselves by learning from the past mistakes of others so we don’t repeat them thus we improve the overall product and the journey through life.
Geni. It’s actually a web app. It allows you to share youre family tree on the internet and people who are part of your family tree can add extra family members you did’nt know about
i mean.. really… wow…
Leister Software’s “Reunion” is a great program for genealogy. Lots of features, and it supports all kinds of unusual relationships.
Everybody in my family uses Reunion.
Technically it’s not software, but I’m inclined to recommend something from these guys:
Try Relatives genealogical software ( It can show ANY number of connections of ANY complexity.
Hope this will help this guy…
Watch out for this Ancient Boii Tribe guy. He’s left lotsa posts on VersionTracker and some other sites and tries to present himself as some sort of tuffguy fantasy figure. As Billy the Kid said about a journalist, “I think the gentleman relies very heavily on his imagination.”