Giving thanks for the Jesus phone - Macenstein

Giving thanks for the Jesus phone

O2 forum member anthonyb has created a wonderful piece of iPhone-blasphemy to the tune of the Lord’s Prayer. Enjoy.

Our Steve, which art in Cupertino,
hallowed be thy IPhone;
thy corporation come;
thy will be profitable,
in 22 countries as it was in the first 6.
Give us this day our 16GB.
And forgive us our Google Android,
as we forgive them that install Windows against you.
And lead us into an expensive contract;
but deliver us from Bill Gates.
[For thine is the IPod,
the IPhone, and the ITunes,
For ever and ever.

I probably going to burn in hell for this. 🙂

Yes anthonyb, you probably will.

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Steve Haskayne for the tip!

4 Responses to “Giving thanks for the Jesus phone”
  1. Mr Germy says:

    Well, Apple Fanboism has often been thought of as a religion (or cult. . .) so this fits quite well.

    If we do burn in hell for praying this prayer then hopefully Satan’s minions have PC’s and we can convert them. They’ll love us.

  2. Viswakarma says:

    No you won’t burn in hell, since you are escaping Windows Hell! You will be going to Macintosh Heaven!

  3. db says:

    What is the inverse of this prayer? Thankfully I did the 2.0 upgrade last night. Today, upgrading today and you are down and no new phones getting activated. Not good for our Steve-O. The afternoon is getting long…

  4. The sun will rise again tomorrow.

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