Batman LEGO game for iPhone is the best unfounded rumor ever - Macenstein

Batman LEGO game for iPhone is the best unfounded rumor ever

If there’s one thing I love more than LEGOs, it’s Batman. And if there’s one thing I love more than Batman, it’s the iPhone. That’s why I totally understand the excitement behind a fast-spreading rumor that LEGO Batman is being ported to the iPhone.

Never mind that there appears to be zero evidence of this at the moment – all we have to go on is an anonymous tip to Pocket Gamer – and never mind I can’t think of any possible way the game could be playable without some sort of third party gaming pad accessory – I want my iPhone LEGO Batman, and I want it now! (Did I mention I almost named my daughter Harley Quinn, but then got angry when Kevin Smith beat me to it?).

LEGO Batman is due to be released this October, so hopefully (if true) the iPhone version will not be far behind.

[via Kotaku via Pocket Gamer]

3 Responses to “Batman LEGO game for iPhone is the best unfounded rumor ever”
  1. Tom Foolery says:

    don’t get me wrong i love this site, but…

    why do you insist upon shortening the article on the front page by only 3 or 4 lines. it’s unnecessary. and an inconvenience that can be easily avoided.

    and while i’m at it what’s with the captcha. how much spam do you actually get without it.

  2. darrell says:

    @Tom Foolery

    Why so serious?

  3. airfang says:

    doc, your first two sentences remind me of one email you sent me back in March, when you wrote “who cares about the iPhone?”… changed your standpoint?

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