Mac Pro Vader has returned – looks a little beat - Macenstein

Mac Pro Vader has returned – looks a little beat

Last Labor Day we noticed the appearance of MacPro Vader at Atlanta’s DragonCon, and were both impressed and terrified by his amazing outfit constructed from a Mac Pro box. Well, apparently MPV lives down there in Atlanta, because who do you think we ran into yet again this weekend?

Yup, it’s Mac Pro Vader, looking a little worse for wear, but not too bad considering the damaging effects using the Dark Side of the Force has on a body.

4 Responses to “Mac Pro Vader has returned – looks a little beat”
  1. darrell says:

    must be the eco-friendly packaging?

  2. Mitch says:

    Oh my, somebody needs to get a life. Seriously.

  3. Howell Selburn says:

    But what they aren’t saying is who is wearing the costume. My guess? Bill Gates!

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