And the award for “Best Disembowling Scene with a MacBook Air in a Musical” goes to… - Macenstein

And the award for “Best Disembowling Scene with a MacBook Air in a Musical” goes to…

Here’s a little something to get you in the Halloween spirit! At its best Mac Vs. PC reminds me of Evil Dead: The Musical, quite possibly my best way-off Broadway play-going experience ever (but then, I won “Splatter Zone” tickets). At its worst, it reminds me of Cats. Still, there’s a good 2 minute fight scene worth checking out in the middle.

Above: This gets really good at 2 minutes in… then get’s lame again around 4:10

While I fully support Mac and PC user stereotypes, I find it odd that a company so familiar with the Mac that it knows you can slice someone’s jugular with a MacBook Air does not know the iPhone 3G doesn’t have a flash. Still, nice choreography and excellent use of fake intestines.

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader David for the link!
[via Gizmodo]

5 Responses to “And the award for “Best Disembowling Scene with a MacBook Air in a Musical” goes to…”
  1. Tice says:

    OK, thanks for the 2 1/2 splatter fight! Worth it.

  2. darrell says:

    i lol’ed briefly for the violence. not really sure if i’m supposed to get it though. i’m an older guy but i’ve never seen west side story – was this in homage to it?

  3. Operator207 says:

    So the “Mac Guy” had to knock all the teeth out of the “PC Girl” for him to fall in love with her? WTF? Is this supposed to mean that the only way a guy with a Mac will ever fall in love with a pc user is to knock their teeth in? Cool.

  4. David says:

    It’s totally a West Side Story reference. The forbidden love, the violence, the snapping, a virtual ripoff. I will concede that the end does suck.

  5. Alex says:

    They actually throwed the air to the floor? And put catchup on the white macbook? And then the guy throwed his iPhone towards Pc-girl? AND THEY FALL IN LOVE?! (after braking all her teeth)?

    I mean, how sick is this?

    great video though! haha 🙂

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