Apple launches Apple Developer Forums: then takes them down
Those of you who get excited every time you see Apple’s “We’ll Be Back Soon” post-it on a Tuesday, listen up!
Faithful Macenstein reader Anonymous Developer sent us his invite to the new Apple Developer Forums Beta he received this morning.

“We are pleased to announce the Apple Developer Forums—a new benefit for developers in the iPhone Developer Standard Program, Enterprise Program, and University Program.
Currently in beta, the Apple Developer Forums provide a collaborative environment to post iPhone development topics and questions for an open discussion with other iPhone developers and Apple engineers.”
Unfortunately, Apple seems to have hit a snag, as just a few minutes after registering, he found the forum has been taken off-line. Oh well, it DOES say “Beta”.

Hey, just to let you know, the e-mail you got is a bit off, the developer forums have been up for a few days (with a link from the iPhone developer page), and have had active threads, including Apple staff responding, so it was meant to launch, the e-mail was sent out a couple days after the forums opened.