Celebrity Mac Chick sighting: Kelly Osbourne
Ozzy Osbourne had a daughter about 25 years ago, which apparently makes her a celebrity. Here we see Kelly Osbourne showing off her iPhone as she presumably rushes to her lawyer’s office to file suit against the person who cut her hair.

[via CelebSlam]
I swear everyone has an iPhone now. Hopefully apple’s stock will soon be at 500!!!
Am not sure whether Kelly Osbourne counts an endorsement.. =))
I don’t think a person cut her hair. It looks like an industrial accident.
Like the text above the picture!
mmmm bat heads
“I don’t think a person cut her hair. It looks like an industrial accident.”
haha, that was good!
I don’t think a person cut her hair. I think something crawled up there and died.
Is that your hair or did your cranium just vomit?
You all seem to be missing the point – the title says celebrity mac CHICK sighting… All I see is a tranny who just woke up and has not placed their wig on correctly (who is carrying an iPhone)
Hey, give the girl a break.
Do you people realize how insane her parents are?
Remember Ozzie snorted live ants for 3 hours during a who can be crazier with Motley Crue. Her dad won hands down.
I’d say she is doing pretty darn good for where she comes from!
Someone free that iphone!
It’s alive. (I think)