Celebrity Mac Chick sighting: Kelly Osbourne - Macenstein

Celebrity Mac Chick sighting: Kelly Osbourne

Ozzy Osbourne had a daughter about 25 years ago, which apparently makes her a celebrity. Here we see Kelly Osbourne showing off her iPhone as she presumably rushes to her lawyer’s office to file suit against the person who cut her hair.

[via CelebSlam]

12 Responses to “Celebrity Mac Chick sighting: Kelly Osbourne”
  1. dizzy says:

    I swear everyone has an iPhone now. Hopefully apple’s stock will soon be at 500!!!

  2. Mike says:

    Am not sure whether Kelly Osbourne counts an endorsement.. =))

  3. Jonro says:

    I don’t think a person cut her hair. It looks like an industrial accident.

  4. René says:

    Like the text above the picture!

  5. darrell says:

    mmmm bat heads

  6. dizzy says:

    “I don’t think a person cut her hair. It looks like an industrial accident.”

    haha, that was good!

  7. David says:

    I don’t think a person cut her hair. I think something crawled up there and died.

  8. Kensei says:

    Is that your hair or did your cranium just vomit?

  9. Richard says:

    You all seem to be missing the point – the title says celebrity mac CHICK sighting… All I see is a tranny who just woke up and has not placed their wig on correctly (who is carrying an iPhone)

  10. Steve says:

    Hey, give the girl a break.
    Do you people realize how insane her parents are?
    Remember Ozzie snorted live ants for 3 hours during a who can be crazier with Motley Crue. Her dad won hands down.

    I’d say she is doing pretty darn good for where she comes from!

  11. Modiglian says:

    Someone free that iphone!

  12. David Lopan says:

    It’s alive. (I think)

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