Hey, check out number 5! - Macenstein

Hey, check out number 5!

Well, check them ALL out, but number 5 is special.

When the station that’s home to Ninja Warrior notices you, you’ve truly made the big time!

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Bruce for the link!

5 Responses to “Hey, check out number 5!”
  1. thomi says:

    yeah macenstein rules.. i really like the way american says “macenstein”.. its very funny when you are from an german speaking country.. 😉

    the tiwns are also very nice 🙂

  2. Jonro says:

    Congratulations! That’s that’s the kind of spontaneous publicity that can make you famous. 🙂

  3. mangochutney says:

    Well, number 8 was my favourite, but I seeing Britney on first place was downright scary.
    I just can’t get the scene from “Meet the Spartans” out of my head.

  4. Alex says:

    Now THAT’s good news! ahhaha congrats 😉

    Thanks for putting chicks and macs together.

  5. Tice says:

    Yeah! Congrats! Nice trailer btw. 😉

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