The REAL reason Apple moved to all glass displays - Macenstein

The REAL reason Apple moved to all glass displays

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Brett for the link.

6 Responses to “The REAL reason Apple moved to all glass displays”
  1. Jonro says:

    I prefer to use iChat’s video preview. Then I can actually carry on a conversation with myself.

  2. johnnybond says:

    I really like the glass screens. I have one on my Aluminum iMac, and will soon have one on my new Macbook Pro. Everything just looks so much better on the glass screen.


  3. I don’t get all the fuss about the glossy, sorry: glass screens. I find them easier to clean and they give a crisp display. Okay: haven’t used one outddors in glaring sunlight yet… But all in all I find them very classy.

  4. The glossy screens aren’t as reflective as Jony’s head at the announcement.

  5. powers says:

    had a good laugh over this one.

  6. MaX says:

    Glossy screen is a deal breaker for our University. Health and productivity come first!

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