Well, it beats changing your name to QWERTY
Faithful Macenstein reader Caius was faced with a problem. He knew he was a Mac Genius, but couldn’t think of a way to let the world know. So, being the resourceful genius he is, he did a little letter swapping on his aluminum keyboard, and:

WOW. Will obviously knows how to touch-type.
This isn’t the first time Caius decided to take apart a Mac’s keyboard in order to broadcast his Mac street cred to the world. A few years back he did the exact same thing to his 12″ PowerBook’s keyboard.

As admirable as this mod is (from a fellow geek’s point of view at least) we sort of find ourselves wondering at the benefit to the desktop keyboard rearrangement. The laptop mod actually makes more sense to us as at least that computer gets out and about where fellow Mac geeks might see it, while his aluminum keyboard sits solely as a reminder to Caius that he is a Mac Genius.
Of course, sometimes you do need to remind yourself of things. For instance, my keyboard keys spell out “You are a very handsome boy and the girls all secretly think so too”. (I had to order some replacement keys). So I can see where Will is coming from.
I think the keyboard rearrangement is a “FLOP” (look at the end of the first letter row why).
// wow. that is SO cool.
You got the names wrong, will submitted this, but I am the guy who did it 🙂
The external keyboard actually moves around with me due to it being so portable — and the fact that I use my own keyboard + mouse with my macbook at work 🙂
The macbook’s keyboard was done shortly after the external keyboard, due to the fact you can’t move the “f” or “j” keys, it reads “ontherails” across the top row instead — will be adding pictures of that to the same page (http://caius.name/images/keyboard/) shortly.
I blogged it at http://swedishcampground.com/keyboards
And please update the article, it was done by “Caius” hence my website being “caius.name”, Will just submitted it to you 🙂