Apple’s new iPod touch web ad “shakes things up” - Macenstein

Apple’s new iPod touch web ad “shakes things up”

Or “tilts things up” might be more accurate, I guess.

While not even coming close in coolness to Nintendo’s “Wario Land” YouTube video (trust me, watch it if you haven’t seen it), Apple’s new iPod touch web ad DOES get the whole “You gotta tilt your iPod to do stuff” message across pretty nicely.

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Chip2000 for the link!
[Advertising Age]

5 Responses to “Apple’s new iPod touch web ad “shakes things up””
  1. I think there suld be a modification in the title … the ad is for iPod touch.


  2. maique says:

    isn’t this an ad for an iPod ??

  3. Dave-O says:

    Technically, it’s an iPod touch ad, Doc.

  4. Quite right, my bad, guys, thanks!
    -The Doc

  5. robinson says:

    Horrible ad! Frenetic, irritating music, makes the iPod Touch look like a kids’ toy, just for playing games. Silly, really.

    Wish Apple would wise up and bring to-dos and memos to the IPT and iPhone– and make them full-blown PDAs as well as all the other things they do!

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