Behold the Lanix AIO22 – Mexico’s 22,644 Peso Black iMac clone
Looks like those of you jonesing for a black iMac are in luck, assuming you don’t mind it really being a PC and having to take a trip down Mexico way… Faithful Mexican Macenstein reader Christian writes:
This is a scan of a brochure that telmex (phone land carrier and owner of telcel) send me in order to convince to buy a clone of my iMac.the brand is Lanix model AIO22, it is a totally black iMac and it costs 36 pays of 629 pesos (13 pesos per dollar do the math)
Wow. By our calculations that comes out to roughly $3 million. Must be a pretty sweet machine.
Telmex sucks !!!!
I get $1,741.85….
(629 / 13) * 36
Yeah, really…depending on how you look at it, either $1,741.85, or $22,644.
22644 Mexican Pesos converts to $1727.73 CDN.
Apparently Doc was including the cost of the damage to his soul.
when i went to a new big electronic stor i gothenburg, one of there young salesmen showed me a HP computer.
the first thing he said: “its like these iMacs, just with touch screen”.
i played with it and think its ugly and slow. well, it’s nice to work with fingers/hands but if you switch off the large screen you can SEE what you did.
who wants to clean a large screen evertime after work?
Actually is around $1,741.85, not 3 million!
Cheers from Sonora, Mexico
OK guys, I was obviously (or not so obviously) KIDDING about the $3 million thing. We ALL have the conversions widget… geez
-The Doc
I am selling a fake mac mini for $874 😛
“We ALL have the conversions widget… geez”
Unless we are running a pre-Tiger version of our favorite OS.