Is Apple working on an iPhone nano? - Macenstein

Is Apple working on an iPhone nano?


23 Responses to “Is Apple working on an iPhone nano?”
  1. w00master says:

    Best news post ever.

  2. Agreed. And best “is the iPhone Nano for real?” post yet.

  3. nicole says:

    Great job, guys.

  4. Kyron says:


  5. Chris says:

    That was one beautifully written article!

  6. U most have been soooo bored 😀

  7. Primitive says:

    Wait. By “no” you mean “yes” right? Please extrapolate. Confused.

  8. jonro says:

    I hope they do and it should be a phone and an iPod player without apps. There is a market for a cell phone with the iPhone’s ease of use and visual voicemail without most of the features that require a computer.

  9. kelly says:

    Does “no” mean “not officially” or “nondisclosure obligation” or do you mean that Apple is not working on an iPhone Nano? I also Googled “No.” and found that it is the chemical compound Nitric oxide, but I really do not see how that could be incorporated into an iPhone Nano. I also discovered the “No.” can be represented by the “#” sign, but this makes the post even more confusing, but it is one of the twelve keys on an iPhone keyboard.

  10. Jonathan says:


    Well, that puts an end to a month of pointless speculation, photoshopped mock-ups and that usual disappointment when Apple do no such thing and leave us all slightly gutted.


  11. Jason says:

    Interesting take kelly – does that mean the iphone nano will ship with a mouthpiece so you can breathe in ‘happy gas’?

    I kinda like that idea.

  12. odin says:

    We all know they are making a Mac Nano to replace the Mac Mini. It’ll be the size of 3 CD cases stacked on top of each other. Duh.

  13. mangochutney says:

    Very concise post. Yet revealing. I like your style.

  14. sinder112 says:

    Yet another GREAT Macenstein post. Love this blog!

  15. LOL says:

    Awesome News Post!
    That was my best Laugh today. Thnx

  16. Hayate says:

    hehehe, very witty 😉

  17. dasein says:

    Reasons why not:

    1) They’ve already crammed everything possible into the full size iphone, meaning they’d have to compromise more than just available RAM and STORAGE. I would think they’d lose their market except for the wannabees

    2) The SDK would have to incorporate an even smaller patch of real estate for display purposes (different human interface guidelines?)

    3) It would make more manufacturing sense to simply cheat on the RAM and STORAGE to bring down the price…no need for a radical separate redesign

  18. Frank says:

    lol I see what you did there.

  19. Bo says:

    Klart som korvspad att det kommer en iPhone Nano!

  20. Dmitri says:

    Great post! Says it all! Thanks.

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