Is this the new Mac mini? - Macenstein

Is this the new Mac mini?

An anonymous tip (the best kind). Thoughts?

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56 Responses to “Is this the new Mac mini?”
  1. Tal says:

    I believe the MacAir will come out later, be similar design but much thinner and more narrow with no optical drive and come standard with built in 7″ moinitor, keyboard, battery at around $999.

  2. David says:

    I’m pretty sure the design is fake. But i think it’s not to far off. I think it wouldn’t be just one color it would be aluminum and either white or black as you’ve seen apple doing to everything. I would imagine it would be smaller than previous versions but probably use the “iPod hard drive”. The 4500 instead of the 7200/7500. I’ve been contemplating getting a MacMini for while but i figured i would wait to see what they upgrade. I don’t think the lid would look like that. Personally i think the top will be a thin peice of black glass much like the iMac and new MacBooks or aluminum sunk in the machine. Who knows really until they actually come out. I’m going with fake.

  3. maccampus says:

    I’m sure it’s

    the new Apple External Blueray disc for older (read current) Mac’s , newly introduced Macs will have a Blueray capable superdrive build in

  4. Jim says:

    Hey, how about this,it’s actually a combination Tablet and base station: that “lid” thing is actually a removable ipod touch like screen with a battery in it and a wifi device that allows it to communicate to the guts, DVD drive and hard drive in the base?

  5. Fyre Vortex says:

    Looks amazing though… =) Makes me want to get a Mac Mini (If that comes out.) If it doesn’t… I’m sure Apple has an innovative design in store.

  6. Jimmy says:

    seems this mini pops up again today – however it looks a bit different, white LED is on the right and has a larger body.

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