Not ALL the Macworld Keynote coverage was boring! - Macenstein

Not ALL the Macworld Keynote coverage was boring!

Uh oh, someone check and see if Malcor has an alibi! Macrumorslive had an unfortunate visit from the Hacker Fairy during its Macworld ’09 keynote coverage (see below).

Above: Click to embiggen (warning, not for the kids).

The stream was taken down after about 5 minutes, but it looked like it was going to be a pretty exciting Keynote, with quite a few exclusives on Steve Jobs’ health and personal life!

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Nadir for the grab!

8 Responses to “Not ALL the Macworld Keynote coverage was boring!”
  1. Loufute says:

    iTunes in a one more thing… What a pitty…
    The last MacWorld will never be forgotten i think…

  2. bc says:

    it ruined the best live coverage. sad

  3. iShervin says:

    stupid hack that was! what was the point!
    I saw it on my iphone!
    well, that website is pretty high tech and talk about high tech if they get hacked that means they haven’t done a good job!

    so shame on them to get hacked!
    if they are high tech they should have better security!

  4. Boyo says:

    Who host their site..that’s where the security leak is…I’d bet.

  5. darrell says:

    i can see how it’s funny to hack the LCD at a Cavaliers game to say ‘LeBron is God’ but to act like a tool on a live blog isn’t as impactful. the type of people reading know that it’s a hack, everyone just went to gizmodo to get the updates.

  6. Duck says:

    What happened was, Macrumors left their password file on the root folder of the server, a few script kiddies over at 4chan’s Technology (/g/) board got a hold of it, and it spread like wildfire.

  7. Cyxodus says:

    Without a doubt, this has been handed over to the authorities. This was an attack that did damage to a company and should be prosecuted.

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