Take THAT, Jonathan Ive! - Macenstein

Take THAT, Jonathan Ive!

Photographer Steve Lee got fed up with Apple’s “two-color” color scheme on all its devices (black and silver, white and silver) so he decided to “fix” Apple’s design mistakes.

“Combine my pedantic taste for minimalism with nerdy touchtyping abilities and a cheap can of white spraypaint, and you end up with my keyboard – possibly the most pretentious keyboard in existence. “

all white keyboard

I don’t think this keyboard is pretentious at all, Steve. In fact, I think it would go great with my new 30-inch Apple Cinema Display that I just spray painted white, screen and all. I’ve never been one to let function dictate form.

[via Cult of Mac]

8 Responses to “Take THAT, Jonathan Ive!”
  1. iShervin says:

    it’s cool… a bit white… but cool…

    Imagine if you just forget one of the random symbols like &^%?}{+!$£>”, you have play around a bit …

  2. Manuel says:

    Is this a german or an english keyboard layout? 🙂

  3. Neal Young says:

    Apple should make a version of the current aluminum keyboard with black keys, similar to the keyboard on the new MacBooks. It would go much better with my LED Cinema Display than the current white one does.

  4. David says:

    I hate it. Makes me want to smash it to pieces if I got my hands on one.

    Yeah, I can’t touch type. How many nerds can?

  5. odin says:

    Pink would be better.

  6. rebel dog says:

    can’t believe I just wasted time reading and replying to this

  7. Church says:

    This is right out of Gibson’s “Count Zero,” only white instead of black.

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