I’m STILL not watching
I guess when he started dating reality TV star Kathy Griffin we should have sensed Woz wanted his 15 minutes of fame, but gee whiz Woz. There’s fame, and then there’s Dancing With the Stars fame.

Yes, ABC has announced their picks for this years contestants on the inexplicably popular dancing show, and none other than Apple co-founder (and current Apple fan conFUSER) Steve Wozniak is on the list. But lest anyone think Steve has just thrown away 30 plus years of accrued technological respect and geek worship, just take a look at the star power of this year’s killer line up:
Nancy O’Dell (who I would have already sworn was on the show a couple times), Lawrence Taylor (who is of course not hurting for money), Shawn Jonson (who I am not going to bother looking up on Wikipedia), Chuck Wicks (see Shawn Jonson), Giles Marini (see Shawn and Chuck), Denise Richards (of course) , Belinda Carlisle (who is still alive), David Allen Grier (who I have respect for and am now baffled by), Ty Murry (who has a cowboy hat, so I assume is a country singer), Jewel (who tried to be a country singer), Lil’ Kim (who I assume needs the cash and image make-over after coming out of prison), And Steve-O, who has time and again proved you cannot embarrass him.
I’m not sure whether or not Woz knows he can’t use his Segway in the competition, but hopefully he’s been working on his cardio.
Thanks to faithful Macensten reader Mike for the tip!
I had to double-check today’s date.
Nope, it’s not April 1.
I cannot think of a more appropriate time to utter three little letters:
“I’m STILL not watching”
You are not alone, WNW has it right “W.T.F.” indeed.
I’m totally with you about Dancing with the Stars, but you must have some violent reaction to the Olympics to not know who Shaw Johnson is. Do you use a snorkel to keep your head in the sand that long?
I’m reminded of David Letterman when Dancing with the Stars began, he kept pointing out that no one on the show was a star.
Agreed on all counts, except Shawn Johnson was *kind of* an American icon this summer. Olympics ringing a bell? I did love the “(who is still alive)” commentary though.
So, Shawn was one of those little 4-foot gymnasts? I guess I remember her, but without her hair pulled back in one of those insanely tight gymnast ponytails, she looks different. Well, it’s nice to see that people who dedicate their lives and joints to their sports have something amazing like DWTS to look forward to after representing their countries. I assume we’ll see Phelps there next year, now that he has sabotaged hs career…
-The Doc
pooof!!! lol
How about renaming the show to “Dancing With The Obscure”.
They could have at least made it interesting and included Charlie Sheen just to piss off Denise Richards.
Steve Wozniak looks like a Ewok.
The only reason I watch DWTS is to see Edyta Sliwinska anyway.
@Jim: I can see a bit of Ewok but the first thing that picture of Woz reminded me of was the Cheshire cat with those squinted eyes and huge grin.
Effing. Amazing.