Tragedy strikes the Dancing With The Stars set - Macenstein

Tragedy strikes the Dancing With The Stars set

No, the tragedy is not that Woz fractured his leg while practicing what was surely another stellar dance routine that would put ANY drunk uncle at a wedding to shame – no, the tragedy is apparently he didn’t break it badly enough. Yes, according to Geeksugar, Woz says his injury will not stop him from performing his next dance, which, according to Woz, will be “wild and fast and all-over crazy and fun, just like the first one.”

Personally, I’m hoping for a green feather boa, this time.

6 Responses to “Tragedy strikes the Dancing With The Stars set”
  1. Bryan says:

    Is that a Thighmaster in his right hand?

  2. Richard says:

    No, thats the new ‘iPipe’



  3. iShervin says:

    lol 🙂 come on WOZ,,, hoooraaaay,,, yeeeee u can do it with one leg!!!

  4. joey says:

    he is going to do the next dance on his segway

  5. Mac Matt says:

    maybe his next dance will be the iHop.

  6. mangochutney says:

    I think that’s the pipe that Woz wil beat up the stupid host with, if he does another bad apple joke.
    He would be right in doing so.
    I’d give him a straight 10 for it.

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