Woz caught “Segway Flirting” - Macenstein

Woz caught “Segway Flirting”

Faithful Macenstein reader Chris Griffith spotted Woz out and about in the Grove in Los Angeles yesterday filming something or other along with 20 of his fellow Segway buddies. Looks like Woz might be cashing in on some of that Dancing With The Stars fame. I mean, check out the arse on that gal he’s shmoozing! Easily the best I’ve seen on any Segway rider. Go Woz, GO!

12 Responses to “Woz caught “Segway Flirting””
  1. SB says:

    isn’t he married or something?

  2. darrell says:

    20-man segway entourage. suck on that p.diddy!

  3. Vas the Man says:

    @SB: he was married, but he’s been divorced for quite a while now.

  4. Tice says:

    Who wouldn’t? ; )

  5. Joseph says:

    At least he could “try” and pull in his gut for the hottie. 😉

  6. Jonro says:

    Now I’ll tell you the legend of the Segway Defenders, who stopped crime and drank protein shakes all across Los Angeles. Their leader was the famed dancing computer geek, Woz

  7. Richard says:

    Segwayers Vs Bikies.

    movie of the year.

  8. mangochutney says:

    Go for it Wozzie!

  9. odin says:

    As long as he doesn’t use the “modem line.”

  10. Graham Jolicoeur says:

    Oh yea I was totally there and then I was at the iPod bar at 815 that night at the apple store there and the guy at the bar said he knew woz some how.

  11. Batman says:

    Oga Boga Zork!

  12. Brian says:

    Just saw DWTS (yes, I’ll admit it). The girl on the Segway is his dancing partner, Karina Smirnoff.

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