Do not want - Macenstein

Do not want

I think Luxury book publisher Kraken Opus has dramatically overestimated the number of people who currently do not respect money. How else can you explain their attempt to sell a limited edition Prince iPod and a velvet covered book for $2100? Or the fact that there is even such a thing as a luxury book maker, for that matter?

The book is an accounting of Prince’s 21 Nights tour, and for that price, you likely could have seen him live at all 21 shows, and still have money left over for a giant purple motorcycle. Ironically, 21 is also the number of years ago something like this might have sold.

So, what do you get for your $2100 besides a purple iPod touch engraved with the Prince Symbol thing and a book? Um… well, why would you WANT anything else? OK, well, Kraken was nice enough to throw in 40 minutes of video from a 2007 Prince concert – easily a $1700 value – so I suppose this thing is worth it and yes, I will probably buy a couple (I’ll need a backup in case of fire or theft), but Kraken better not try to pull this shit with the Bangles, because I would HAVE to buy that too, and I don’t think I could handle a 40 minute Bangles concert.

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Kelly for the link!

[via iPodNN]

2 Responses to “Do not want”
  1. It will be sold out in 20 minutes and you make 5.000 US$ on ebay a week later.
    Just a wild guess …

  2. kuzya says:

    who f…. need i?!!!

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