Finally! An excuse to rub the iPhone all over your body - Macenstein

Finally! An excuse to rub the iPhone all over your body

We all know there’s an iPhone app for just about everything, but what about bodily hygiene? Can the iPhone help you out when you’re feeling not-so-fresh? Well, no, actually, but thankfully iPhone SOAP can!

That’s right. Two Eggplants Company has created a 3oz bar of soap that looks just like the iPhone (more or less), complete with icons and home button. And it smells like Hazelnut Coffee!

The $7.99 bar of geeky cleanliness ships in a clear plastic box with a matching ribbon, and you can request custom fragrances if you’re not into smelling like a Starbucks. Also available are a wide assortment of iPod soaps, as well as Blackberry models for your lame friends with “suit” jobs.

6 Responses to “Finally! An excuse to rub the iPhone all over your body”
  1. Mac Soda says:

    And best of all… its Jailbroken!

  2. Grant says:

    Well, not exactly jailbroken, but you can be jailbroken with it.

    (Horrible joke)

  3. Anonymouse says:


  4. Telp says:

    Terrible joke. I kinda liked it…

  5. Dan Da Manda says:

    Does it have a vibrate function? har har har

  6. Smorgasbord says:

    You guys thinking about it being jailbroken makes me wonder what happens if it is dropped.

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