Looks like Steve Jobs got thrown out of the house
I don’t know what Steve did to piss of Mrs. Jobs, but it looks like she threw his ass out on the street!
For the nightman on 12seconds.tv
OK, so it’s not Steve’s house, it a random side street in Vinkelstraat, Amsterdam. Looks like things are a lot looser over there in Amsterdam, and not just with the pot smoking. I mean, on garbage day in our neighborhood they make you tie up your old Macs in bundles no higher than 12 inches, or they won’t take them.
Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Paul for the tip!
[via 12seconds]
Those 17″ crts were pretty damn unreliable.. and why aren’t they sitting at a recycling centre?
I think they have a system equal to the one here in Belgium, where they pick up the garbage you can’t dispose of through garbage bags (sofa’s, televisions, tables, chairs, etc) with a big truck.
But I could be wrong, I don’t know Holland very well
@Florian Vanthuyne, Yep, you’re right… But they definitely don’t like this way of putting stuff outside… It’s a big mess. But anyway, never bumped into so much apple stuff in Amsterdam (other then in an apple store… ;))
I don’t think there’s a Vinkelstraat in Amsterdam. There is a Vinkenstraat, though, which probably looks similar to the street depicted in this clip.
To answer the questions in the comments: Ordinary garbage disposal services in Amsterdam happen in two varieties: either a central collection depository where you can dump your grey plastic bags into, or twice-weekly a truck drives by to pick up bags placed on the sidewalk.
One can get rid of bigger stuff in two ways: there is a weekly drive-by service where items placed in front of your door is picked up (although most people place it near the depository units even though that’s not legal), or you can bring your stuff to the city’s recycling point.
For chemical waste (old batteries, paint, oil, over-date or unused medicinal drugs) a “chemokar” is available. Generally these have fixed stops on a weekly tour through each part of Amsterdam.
As far as I know, electronic equipment must be handed over to a chemokar or at the central collection point as it contains dangerous metals and other chemicals.
These days, European retailers are forced to charge a “recycling fee” at sale of any reasonably large electronic item and have to take it back at the end of its lifespan for recycling. I’m pretty sure the CRT iMac predates this, though.
@NB on Sun, 12th Apr
” I don’t think there’s a Vinkelstraat in Amsterdam. There is a Vinkenstraat, though, which probably looks similar to the street depicted in this clip. ”
Well, it was absolutely the Vinkelstraat in Amsterdam, i can tell you.( I made this vid). And this is unfortunately also a way of doing it in Amsterdam.