Jonathan Ive is rolling over in his highly stylized, brushed aluminum grave - Macenstein

Jonathan Ive is rolling over in his highly stylized, brushed aluminum grave

Yeah, I know Ive isn’t dead yet, but this might kill him. Behold the Hoffbook.

[via Flickr]

The white MacBook iBook was never going to win awards for manliness before, but this takes “ghey” to a whole new level. Personally, I have the much manlier, drunk bloated Hasselhoff eating a cheeseburger on my MacBook Pro (see below). It just seems more professional.

7 Responses to “Jonathan Ive is rolling over in his highly stylized, brushed aluminum grave”
  1. kuzya says:

    why to ruin something good?

  2. mangochutney says:

    Mercy, MERCY!
    I can’t take no more.

    This thing probably even has “I’ve been looking for freedom” as the start-up sound.
    The horrors have no end!

  3. Rubén says:

    I bet Johnny has a highly stylized, brushed aluminum _unibody_ grave. Or will have.

  4. Impaler says:

    His grave will be made from unibody construction. A single huge piece of aluminum.

  5. Chris Leither says:

    Sry Doc… but… NOOB…

    it’s ofc a 14″ iBook ! The MacBook might be gay… but the iBook was kick-ass… well… the PowerBook was… not the iBook.. aww… never mind…

  6. matt says:

    thats an iBook, not a MacBook

  7. Operator207 says:

    Forget the iBook, who’s ghost os coming out the top of it? Or is it letting the “magical blue smoke” that runs all electronic equipment, out.

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