NSFW: Finally, an honest “laptop hunters” commercial - Macenstein

NSFW: Finally, an honest “laptop hunters” commercial

Well, I think I know why they let Jake keep the PC he found this time. I pretty much wouldn’t touch ANYTHING he touched… (WARNING: EXTREMELY NOT SAFE FOR WORK unless you have a really cool job).

11 Responses to “NSFW: Finally, an honest “laptop hunters” commercial”
  1. Kyle says:

    When I worked at an Apple Store, I actually had someone ask me that. Don’t remember how I responded. Probably with some stutters and awkward glances.

  2. Jonro says:

    That *is* funny. When does it air? Just kidding.

  3. Frank says:

    Love it.

  4. HDrive says:


    Finally a true to live add on why so many people by a computer.

    Well Porn and Facebook/ Myspace/ Twitter

  5. wow i honestly dont know what to say to that

  6. kuzya says:

    stupid ….. in a way it is even more horrible than previous ones.

  7. Smite says:

    ahh the naive boy doesn’t realize that mac with the glossy screen will show his porn better…

  8. Pasqualito says:

    this proves that all PCs are wankers.

  9. Raul says:

    Fantastic, 100% better and not anger inducing like the actual commercials.

    Also, just watched it at work. 😀

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