Who wants to win a 2-year old, lime green iPhone?!?!
[UPDATE: Yes, I DID win, and yes, I DID get my prize, and yes, I DID pick a winner of the green iPhone, and NO, it was not you, sorry, it was faithful Macenstein reader Danielle (twitter @bookophile ) who won. Thanks for helping me out though, I am sure the 3Gs I won will bring you many months of joy in reading about it.]
[UPDATE: Hey guys, looks like I won, thanks so much for your help! I will be picking a winner of the lime green iPhone once they send me the prize, so it may be a week or two, but hold tight. Thanks again! You guys rock.
– The Doc ]

Hey guys, me again. Well, I must say I am both very proud and very touched by those of you who were nice enough to vote for my iPhone video with no thought of personal gain. In just 6 short hours we went from last place to third, an amazing feat.
Yet one that ultimately will mean nothing unless we capture first place.
I find myself wondering about the 9600 or so of my daily readers who did Not take the 10 seconds out of their lives to CLICK THIS LINK AND VOTE FOR MY VIDEO, even though it requires no registration or other effort on their part. “WTF is their problem?”, I thought.
But then it hit me… Odds are most of my readers are just like me – selfish bastards who don’t do anything nice for anyone without there being something in it for them. So to that end, I thought I might sweeten the deal by offering to reward one lucky reader who helps me get the word out about my entry with my 1st generation, Colorware-painted iPhone (if I should win, that is).
That’s right. If you’ve ever wanted 2 year old cellular technology, painted lime green, then you’re going to want to jump all over this!

Above: I have long since ruined those earbuds, but I think I have the dock somewhere too…
So, how do you get a chance to win? It’s easy! Just Twitter the following bit of text to your friends some time between now and 9:59PM pacific tome on July 31st.
“Hey guys, please vote for my good friend @drmacenstein http://rubyurl.com/HXWO and help me win an iPhone”
If I should win, I will pick one random person from all elligible Twitters and reward that person with my old iPhone. You may Twitter that message up to 10 times in order to earn extra chances to win (I’d appreciate it if you spread your Tweets out a bit throughout the day, but whatever).
Now, I won’t lie to you, this iPhone is two years old and has seen some use, but aside from 2 very small paint chips on the black bezel, the Colorware paint job looks as good as the day I got it, and the phone is in great shape. The paint job is really amazingly durable.

I paid $600 for this iPhone on launch day 2 years ago, and it is sporting a $220 paint job, so I figure that, combined with being owned by a celebrity of my stature, puts the value of the phone somewhere around $20,000 or so, so this is probably the most exciting giveaway of all time.
So thanks for you help, good luck to us all, and now get out there and Tweet like the wind!
I voted already 3 times 🙂
I hope you will win the iPhone!
I voted about 6 times from another devices and asked my freinds and family members to vote on you. Tweeted it already 4 times and asked some members of different social networking sites to vote on you.
So I do what I can and hope you will win! 🙂
Somehow, the video won’t play in my firefox. But I voted it anyway. Go Doc!
An amazing feet?
voted! 🙂
so … now that I twittered … what R my chances?
I’m going for the tweetness! (even put it on The Cheese Grater’s Facebook Fan Page!!)
I… have just always wanted of these ya know, growing up was tough, but I made it so far. Something good will always come out of life, God bless everyone!
Ok… lets get this rolling!
That middle bit was supposed to have fake html tags round it and but they got removed 🙁
So I voted, and I tweeted, and Im ready to lose another one of your contests.
I could sorta use 2 year old cellular technology that doesn’t feel like it could burn my hand if I played too many games. That’s been a nice feeling lately.
Hey Doc, does that paint job affect the temperature of the phone? Just curious.
Voted, i’ll post a link on my facebook as well!
viva mexico !
I voted!
How do I make absolutely sure that I will never own a 2 year old lime green phone?
@Megan’s Dad You’re so jealous of that iPhone, admit it.
– The Doc
Call me stupid, but how do you vote. I want this iPhone.
Hey! Dr. Macenstein’s video is on the 2nd place!! Good work! 😀 Next is the 1st place!! 🙂
Tweeted more than 10 times on twitter and posted on various social networks, hope it will help you to be the first! 🙂
Simon: When you go to the linked page (http://win.squish360.com/recordings/69), than above the video you have to see a button “thumbs up” and if you click on it, than you voted.
Simon: not above -> under, sorry about it, I’m a little bit tired now…..
I tweeted and voted Doc. All the best!
I didn’t vote because I know you don’t like the iPhone 3GS. Thought I’d spare you the trouble of winning one.
Voted. Now I can win some ancient technology from back in the day.
damn, quit your whining already. Voted.
If anything, your video is better than Mikes (current leader) and he is so less worthy of a iPhone 3GS. His current fake solution is good enough.
Does anyone actually own a CD case like that anymore. Says a lot about him. Sorry Mike, but your video sucks compared to the Docs.
and for the rest of you playing the game, read what the doc wrote on what to do… lol.
It’s better than a good and addictive iPhone game checking in every 10 minutes how many votes have you and voting if I can. 😀
So hurry up, the first place is not so far! 😀
Hey Doc,
I voted but I must say I never seen it completely… won’t load for some reason.
Do you have it posted somewhere else?
Like what I’ve seen and the music! 😀
Like everyone, hope to win, my wife loves the color of your phone!
Yup, it be hers. 😆
I have a private profile so follow me twitter.com/lorna_08
voted 5 times and tweeted 3 already.
time to lose yet one more time lol.
oh well, if the Doc wins, then I basically win too 🙂
ps, im mad102190 on twitter. Follow me! 😀
voted and tweeted!
good luck man
Voted, and tweeted!
Good luck!
I voted and tweetered too.
Yay Canada!
I would be happy with this ancient technology…’tis better than no iPhone at all 🙁
Voted & tweeted (which posts to my Friend Feed, which posts to my Facebook)
Good luck! Love your blog BTW.
Way to go doc, you have almost broken one thousand votes. not too much till you are in the lead!!!
The Heat Is On 😉
Hey, now you have exactly 1000 votes!! Nice job! 🙂
Keep voting! 😀
On the FIRST place! I’m happy to see it! 😀
Congratulations Dr Macenstein!
And thanks for everyone who voted!
BUT we still have to keep voting to keep the first place for The Doc, because the contest isn’t over yet.
Ahh crap.. didnt know i could vote daily! – sorry Doc..
voted for the 4th time. Dont have twitter tho. “But you could win an iPhone if u joined”, i hear you say.
“But it’s lime green”, says I.
“Who wants to win a 2-year old, lime green iPhone?!?!” I do, That’s why I voted many many times, Twitter-ed, Facebook-ed, and any thing else I could thing of.
send the iphone and then I’ll vote for your thingy
Almost 2.30 in the afternoon here in Australia and you are leading the pack! And if you get the 3GS, well done! Not only do you get a new phone, no you also get rid of your old clutter 😉
Re-re-tweeted. I even x’d the people ahead of you when they were ahead. So help me, you’d better win now. I put a lot of time and effort into those clicks. I even downloaded Twitterfon on my iPhone. Never thought I’d actually use it though. Amen to Copy and Paste.
Voted and tweeted… hope you win
I just keep voting and spreading the word. I need this iPhone.
voted and tweeted. going to repost it on my facebook
GO Doc!