Don’t cut Kevin off (NSFW) - Macenstein

Don’t cut Kevin off (NSFW)

[via Wired]

8 Responses to “Don’t cut Kevin off (NSFW)”
  1. Chris Leither says:

    I didn’t know you were black, Doc!!!

  2. Matt says:

    no iDrivers where killed in this iRampage.

  3. Alonso says:

    iPsycho, LOL!!

  4. ghostshadow says:

    Oh man. That was hilarious! I feel like that sometimes. That was so funny.

  5. Jonro says:

    Remember, guns don’t kill people. iPhone applications kill people — virtually.

  6. The Lab says:

    Funniest thing we’ve seen all week!

  7. darrell says:

    how’d the camera guy get on the dashboard and then into the back seat so quick?

  8. david says:

    “how’d the camera guy get on the dashboard and then into the back seat so quick?”

    You know that Kevin is the camera man, dont you?
    Kevin needs serious help…

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