This kid will either grow up to be awesome, or an asshole - Macenstein

This kid will either grow up to be awesome, or an asshole

Man, I wish I had 1/10th the self confidence this kid does. He has zero problem show-boating in a crowded Apple store, perfectly lip-syncing and grooving to “I Gotta Feeling” by the Black Eyed Peas. Yes, it’s a horrible song and the kid has apparently wasted far too many hours of his young life listening to it, but still, I am much more like the dude seen at 2:20 than this kid, and a there’s a part of me that wishes I wasn’t.

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Jimmy Schapira for the link!

[via bestweekever]

8 Responses to “This kid will either grow up to be awesome, or an asshole”
  1. Matt Davis says:

    wow. poor kid is brainwashed by this horrible music..

  2. James says:

    2:19. Hilarious bug-eyed dude with a stroller.

  3. Allyn says:


  4. thisisjohnny says:

    i like the old woman at 3:00. hahaha

    she looks intrigued and disturbed at the same time

  5. Dave-O says:

    He probably only heard it once. 99% of the lyrics are “tonight’s gonna be a good night.” Most of the rest he isn’t even bothering with.

  6. Chris Leither says:

    Hahaha the dude @ 2:20 is CLASSIC… I want him to become a star…
    He’s like the new fucked up version of Zack Braff…

  7. Chip says:

    Talk about the perfect response to those pc/Best Buy shopping spots by Microsoft. This kid will be a star if Chiat/Day sees this.

    *This kid is making a career out of this – YouTube is full of his videos from the store.

  8. Chris says:

    You know the sad thing is, Apple will probably hire this kid to do promo’s like this. He will be famous in a few months if Apple get’s wind of this.

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