This kid will either grow up to be awesome, or an asshole
Man, I wish I had 1/10th the self confidence this kid does. He has zero problem show-boating in a crowded Apple store, perfectly lip-syncing and grooving to “I Gotta Feeling” by the Black Eyed Peas. Yes, it’s a horrible song and the kid has apparently wasted far too many hours of his young life listening to it, but still, I am much more like the dude seen at 2:20 than this kid, and a there’s a part of me that wishes I wasn’t.
Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Jimmy Schapira for the link!
[via bestweekever]
wow. poor kid is brainwashed by this horrible music..
2:19. Hilarious bug-eyed dude with a stroller.
i like the old woman at 3:00. hahaha
she looks intrigued and disturbed at the same time
He probably only heard it once. 99% of the lyrics are “tonight’s gonna be a good night.” Most of the rest he isn’t even bothering with.
Hahaha the dude @ 2:20 is CLASSIC… I want him to become a star…
He’s like the new fucked up version of Zack Braff…
Talk about the perfect response to those pc/Best Buy shopping spots by Microsoft. This kid will be a star if Chiat/Day sees this.
*This kid is making a career out of this – YouTube is full of his videos from the store.
You know the sad thing is, Apple will probably hire this kid to do promo’s like this. He will be famous in a few months if Apple get’s wind of this.