What Apple’s MacBook Air ads SHOULD have looked like - Macenstein

What Apple’s MacBook Air ads SHOULD have looked like

This is so much more impressive than that “fits in an envelope” thing.

[via geekstir and everywhere]

12 Responses to “What Apple’s MacBook Air ads SHOULD have looked like”
  1. Ed says:

    This was one of the funniest, most original things I’ve seen in a while. Thanks Doc!

  2. Iphoneuser says:

    obvious fake but still very funny and as was mentioned originial:)

  3. ramon says:

    The Air would have drawn blood though…=)

  4. uncleboob says:

    Brilliant ad you make! Paying credit to you guys.

  5. Tim F. says:

    If you did that with a Macbook Air, it would slice the dude in half.

  6. Gregg says:

    Perhaps, the Apple version would be called the iWedgie.

  7. darrell says:

    one laptop per child.

  8. Loweded Wookie says:

    Ironically that’s exactly where they should stick that netbook.

  9. KenseiDave says:

    Great ad. But nothing could make the Macbook Air sell any decent numbers.

    It was Apple’s “we are just going to build it cause we can moment” ;p

  10. I love you for sharing that! It was one of the funniest things I have seen in ages! So, it’s fake but that does not detract from the just hilarous crazy video. Well done to MSI for having the erm you know opposite from where the laptops are going to do that video!

  11. jean-luc says:

    So funny ;-))

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