God, I wish I cared about this event…
Faithful Macenstein reader The Boston Spangler writes:
Hi Doc,
A friend of mine works at EMI music, and he just posted this pic up on facebook… Thought it might help fuel the Apple/ Beatles debate until we hear a real announcement today…
So, whaddya think?Thanks!
The Boston Spangler
Is this from an Apple event or something? Strictly from the photo, I don’t see anything that shouts “Apple Computers” at me. The Beatles’ record label is called Apple Records, and their logo features a green apple nearly exactly like the one holding up the image of the SPLHCB Album cover.
So, I think it needs a little more context before deciding what it all “means”.
btw Doc… just to remind you… you DO care
No Beatles yet. It’s difficult to imagine why they won’t release their catalog to iTunes. Money would probably (almost literally) pour from the sky if the newly remastered catalog was available on iTunes.