How does Apple feel about its products?
This video is a little bit unfair in that if Apple unveiled the new iPod nano and said:
“It’s OK… maybe not a must-have upgrade, but if your old one breaks it beats getting a Samsung YP-P2 or something…”
it might make for a somewhat uninspiring keynote. However, only the most devout Apple fanboy can deny that Apple tends to be a bit generous with the self-congratulatory adjectives. If you are not laughing by the time Phil Schiller sends it back to Steve, then you have no soul.
Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Jimmy Schapira for the link!
[via College Humor]
Great post! Amazingly incredible!
whos going to make a ‘developers’ mashup, im sure one of the keynotes they used the word 🙂
Wow!!! Awsome!! :-))))
They do need to spend some time with a thesaurus.
Incredible! lol now every time i watch a keynote i’m gonna catch every positive adjective they use hahaha
@Wade, they could use the thesaurus built into OS X. After all, it is the most incredible thesaurus ever!
Amazing! Would be interesting how this would look with a Steve Ballmer speach..