The app is rated 9+, but I think the icon might be NC-17
So Capcom’s new Ghosts’n’Goblins Gold for the iPhone is out, and – GOOD LORD ARTHUR’S PACKING!!!.

Above: I remember in the NES version Arthur having a slight bulge, but this is just disturbing.
Well, the good news is I doubt any Ghost or Goblin will come within 20 feet of this guy.
Who the hell made this icon?!? Whoever it was got a little confused on the whole Excalibur legend. As I recall the Lady of the Lake bestowed a giant SWORD upon King Arthur, not a giant… uh… codpiece. Although quite frankly this could make for a much more legendary tale…
Eh, the character has always had that. It’s actually common in real suits of armor too–it’s a sort of flap that hangs down. Check out samurai armor in particular.
Well, of all things to protect, the Darwin approach makes sense. Protect the seed, encase it in metal!