Looks like SOMEBODY stayed up all night sewing
About 2 hours after the iPad was released, we began receiving press releases from various companies letting us know that they planned to offer a full line of iPad accessories. Some of these contained mocked up photos, some vague release dates, but today we were surprised to find that one company, Booq, claims they are actually SHIPPING theirs already.

First up is their Taipan sneak XS, a neoprene sleeve-like thing that no one would carry the way the guy in the picture is if it really had an iPad inside.

If you’re scared to go strapless, Booq also has the Taipan shadow X, a lightweight bag that quite frankly we suspect is really a netbook bag that their trying to pass off as iPad-friendly.
While all this speed in turning around product is nice, I’d be interested in seeing just how many people place orders for a case a full TWO MONTHS before the device is released. Although I assume anyone that WOULD might be able to use the case as a pillow for the two months they plan to spend sleeping outside their local Apple Store waiting for March.
that’s a lot of padding for a 1/2″ thick device.