“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 26 – Darth Vader Unmasked Mimobot
This contest is closed. Congrats to faithful Macenstein reader Alex D.
On the Twenty-Sixth Day After Christmas, Macenstein gave to you (or, more accurately, gave you a chance to win…) A Darth Vader MIMOBOT!
Yes, everyone loves MIMOBOTS, those super cool USB2 thumb drives that not only make moving data fun, but also let the world know you can’t let go of your childhood (I’ve personally got a Domo and a StormTrooper model). Not only will the 4GB Darth Vader Unmasked Mimobot will help keep your battle station plans safe from Bothan spies, but 1 in every 6 comes in the extremely rare “Classic” (ie, pasty Gray) Vader! So you never know which one you might get!
To enter: simply leave us a comment below letting us know who is the most bad-ass FICTIONAL villian of all time?. Winner will be picked randomly 7 days later and notified (kind of like in The Ring, only with less killing… we hope). Open to all readers world-wide. Good luck, and thanks for reading Macenstein! (Oh, and be sure to enter ALL our “12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaways!)
Please note: Comments may take a while to show up, please do not double-post. Thanks!
John Doe (Seven)
The chicken on The Family Guy!!!
The Jew Hunter (Inglourious Basterds)
I hate to state the obvious but who else other than Lord Vader himself!
Darth Vader is and will always be best villian
Mr. Blonde, Reservoir Dogs
Michael Madsen, dancing around to “Stuck in the MIddle with You,” cuts off the cop’s ear, lights him on fire, you get the picture
okay, maybe not a badass. more of a sick fuck.
Darth Vader. He had the look, the sheer amount of evil running through him, and he did it for reasons we could all relate too, we could all go that evil if we were in his shoes. And dude. He chokes people just by squeezing his fist.
Sumatran rat-monkey
Black Manta!
Aquaman is the only thing standing between us and delayed cruises or something.
Darth Vader ? maybe? of course it’s Darth Vadar!!!!!!!
Joker (from Dark Knight)
Hans Landa 😀
But of all time, well, that’s a lot tougher so I’m just gonna stick with a recent one!
Hannibal !
Zoltan! (naturally)
Always Vader!
Darth Vader for sure!
Darth Vader!
Dr. Evil
The OTHER Jeffery Lebowski….the millionaire…
Kaiser Sose!!!
Cruella De Vil 🙂
Dr NO, of course
Bob Kelso (Scrubs)
United States Congress
the most bad ass fictional villian is definitely bowser, trying to get mushroom kingdom
Dr. Doom
The Clown from “It”
Loki from Dogma. Or the Golgothan
Voldemort. Splitting your soul and to hell with the consequences is pretty bad ass.
the child catcher in chitty chitty bang bang
Professor Moriarty from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s “The Final Problem”
Kaiser Sose
Hanibal Lector
Moridin from Wheel of Time
Steve Ballmer
Steve Balmer. Fictional? That guy can’t possibly be real.
Frank Costello from the Departed
Also, i need this mimobot. My old one went through the wash and the Unmasked Darth on is the BEST!
Dark Helmet Man 🙂
Nobody was more sadistic and ruthless than the Dark Knight Joker.
Elmer Fudd, always with the trying to kill
The Joker in Dark Knight.
Darth Vader duh
Gotta be Darth Vader duh
Hands down Darth Vader
Liquid Snake
Pee-Wee Herman