“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 26 – Darth Vader Unmasked Mimobot
This contest is closed. Congrats to faithful Macenstein reader Alex D.
On the Twenty-Sixth Day After Christmas, Macenstein gave to you (or, more accurately, gave you a chance to win…) A Darth Vader MIMOBOT!
Yes, everyone loves MIMOBOTS, those super cool USB2 thumb drives that not only make moving data fun, but also let the world know you can’t let go of your childhood (I’ve personally got a Domo and a StormTrooper model). Not only will the 4GB Darth Vader Unmasked Mimobot will help keep your battle station plans safe from Bothan spies, but 1 in every 6 comes in the extremely rare “Classic” (ie, pasty Gray) Vader! So you never know which one you might get!
To enter: simply leave us a comment below letting us know who is the most bad-ass FICTIONAL villian of all time?. Winner will be picked randomly 7 days later and notified (kind of like in The Ring, only with less killing… we hope). Open to all readers world-wide. Good luck, and thanks for reading Macenstein! (Oh, and be sure to enter ALL our “12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaways!)
Please note: Comments may take a while to show up, please do not double-post. Thanks!
Morgan Freeman in “March of the Penguins” (come on, you KNOW he’s messing with the penguins off camera 😉 )
The Devil
Mojo Jojo from the power puff girls 😀
Mallory Knox – Natural Born Killers
The Joker =)
I would have to say Stewie as Darth Vader in the Family Guy Star Wars Series.
Heath Ledger’s Joker.
DARTH VADER Easy and who ever said Darth Vader aint bad ass come on He was the ruler OR is or going be wherever your @ in the story. anyway yeah HE ruled the Universe , he can kill you without touching you. and no one took him down he just wanted to die to go down with his ship. so yeah Vader no contest.
The devil, in the Tenacious D movie!
Freddie Kruger
The Borg
She forced an entire kingdom into a centuries-long sleep JUST because she didn’t get a party invite.
Plus she can turn into a ginormous, fire-spewing black dragon.
None more villainous than Darth Vader
I am gonna have to say the worst villian is “the Cavity Goon” from the “Timmy the Tooth” videos?!? 😀
I’m thinking the Emporer.
Biff Tannen from Back to the Future
Darth Vader!!
You could say Darth Vader from the original trilogy, but overall Darth Sideous/Emperor Palpatine was more badass. He beat tougher jedi & had much better knowledge of the dark side than Vader.
Goblin! Or maybe Octo…
it has to be the one and only —- Side Show Bob
hes tried to kill Bart Simpson numerous times
tried to kill Krusty the clown
tried to kill Lisa Simpson
tried to kill the whole town of Springfield
all this and more with a big evil smile on his face and all whilst sporting the craziest hair style in the world ‘ever’
Side Show Bob is the most evil fictional character ever…………………
Darth Vadar knew how to fight, had awesome abilities, could make decisions, and had great leadership abilities. He could also get things done, except that part about turning Luke to the Dark Side.
I could go with the more well known Vadar and he was the first villain I have known as a child. But recently I would put Nicodemos from the Dresden Files at the top of my list.
the joker 😀
Ming. Because he was Merciless.
the joker
Unicron, Transformers Generation 1
The Balrog
vader! of Course
Pinhead….Pain and misery just for the sake of pain and misery.
Pennywise from It
Jay Leno. What? Oh, FICTIONAL…
Then I’ll go with Simon Bar Sinister.
hum … Darth Vader i guess
Darth Vader
Darth Vader in all his incarnations…..
A Darth Vader travel drive. I wonder how much space is you get. This has to be the coolest travel drive I have ever seen, but not really seen because I’ve only seen pictures. But this would be something I would really like to have regardless.
Leatherface, from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Mr. Mxyzptlk
the old guy in the most recent star wars that turns out to be evil
Original bad ass, the Ghosties from Pac-Man. Come on, how many quarters did one spend to deal with those guys? Bad ass!!
Darth Vader
Marathon Man (1976, with Dustin Hoffman): The former Nazi SS dentist at Auschwitz, Dr. Christian Szell (Sir Laurence Olivier). He makes Darth Vadar look like Yosemite Sam!
Marvin the Martian!