Tek Jansen shows off his iPad at the Grammys - Macenstein

Tek Jansen shows off his iPad at the Grammys

Damn it! How was I supposed to know there would be something actually worth watching at the Grammy’s last night?!?

Yes, apparently Stephen Colbert whipped out an iPad to read the nominees for the “Song of the Year” category, while I was watching Mystery Science Theater 3000 reruns on Netflix On-Demand.

I stand by my choice.

5 Responses to “Tek Jansen shows off his iPad at the Grammys”
  1. Micah Woods says:

    MST3K ROCKS!!!!!

  2. Christophear says:

    In spite of all the rumors and bad reviews, the fact is that almost everyone is talking about the iPad. I will call that a winner in my book.

  3. Dan says:

    I’m with you: just about anything is better than drunken morons bloviating at awards shows.

  4. Rob says:

    Maybe he borrowed it from Pee Wee…

  5. Scott says:

    what mst3k?
    love that show

    look up rifftraxs too they are funny as hell

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