Apple’s most successful Hollywood product placements - Macenstein

Apple’s most successful Hollywood product placements

Speaking of beautiful celebrity Mac Chicks, I used to follow Alyssa Milano on Twitter, not only because she is still remarkably hot, but she is one of the true celebrity geek girls out there, as well as a die hard Mac Chick. However, being a celebrity apparently comes with a LOT of free time, and her near constant Tweets just kept me from focusing on my truly important ones, like the Big Ben Clock. So I reluctantly unfollowed her. But as Faithful Macenstein reader (and Alyssa follower) Xyber Druid recently reminded me, Alyssa often DOES share some pretty good Apple info.

Take her recent find of a article on Apple’s Hollywood product placement. According to the article, for the past two years Apple managed to sneak its gear into nearly HALF of the top grossing movies. That’s not too shabby given Apple’s marketshare in the real world isn’t 1/5th as large.

Of course the fan boy in me likes to think that the reason those movies were so successful in the first place is that they had Apple gear in them. I mean, who’s going to pay $15 (plus popcorn) to see an HP? Anyway, check out this clip from The Awl of some of Apple’s most successful Hollywood product placements over the years, and to Alyssa, if you’re reading, I promise to follow you again if you agree to a short interview and a few nice pics of you with your Apple gear. Those are my demands.

Apple’s Greatest Cinematic Achievements from The Awl on Vimeo.

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Xber Druid for the link!

[via The Awl via via celebrity Mac Chick Alyssa Milano’s Twitter]

3 Responses to “Apple’s most successful Hollywood product placements”
  1. I laugh when i see them. Not nearly as many people have them as movies make it seem but what is even funnier is watching tv and hearing pearpod or some other cleaver way of masking that it is an apple product. Always makes me giggle

  2. Tice says:

    Want more? See the “Apple family” and look for the #-marked persons:

  3. Gussy says:

    Have you started to see that they now have Windows logo stickers on the back of computers now too. Its funny. It you can tell it is totally product placement, as no one really wants a giant 3-4 inch windows logo on the back of a laptop or desktop.

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