These iPad apps are so stupid they’re brilliant

If this sign doesn’t bring in the ladies, I don’t know what will.
Digital signage apps have been around for the iPod Touch and iPhone for years now, but the iPad brings a whole new level of cool to the using-your-$600-gadget-as-a-$1-“For Rent”-sign game. Check the two new (Free) iPad apps by Laan Labs. First up is iSigns HD, a collection of over 150 high quality signs covering most road signs, warning signs, and international signs you’re likely to run into.

A nice Coverflow interface lets you quickly flips through the signs. You can also type in keywords int he search field.

From Kangaroo crossing to high voltage warnings, iSigns HD has you covered. (I’m not sure what the sign in the middle is for… “No Humans”?

Awwww yeah… NOW we’re talking. (There’s also a “4-Way” sign for the truly adventurous)
Laan Labs’ other digital signage app, iBanner HD, is pretty cool too, although it loses a couple points for some pretty obvious missing features. Basically it is a scrolling digital signage board as we’ve seen on the iPhone i the past, but thanks to the size of the iPad, from a distance of about 3 feet or more, it actually does do a very nice job of mimicking a real digital signage board.
The only reason I take a couple points off is currently you cannot select a custom color for your message and it’s stuck in landscape-only mode for the time being. Hopefully an update will fix these two issues.

I recommend putting this in the window of your (well secured) apartment.

This would be so much cooler in lime green.
Yes, both these apps remind me of the dozes of crappy free apps I downloaded for my iPhone back when the pickings were slim and have long since deleted, but hey, pickings are a bit slim right now on the iPad too. I’m sure I’ll ax these in time as my iPad’s pages fill up, but for now, if you’re looking for something to waste a couple minutes of your time, and maybe annoy people you know who DON’T have iPads, these signs can be used for some pretty immature fun.
I want that iPad stand in that photos!
am i seeing things or is there a scroll speed slider right above the font size..
Doc, I see the problem with your typos – those old school keyboards require way more pressure than your fine new MacBook’s keyboard!
OH, these white keyboards. Look great, Suck to use!!!! You should get an IBM Model M Dr.!!!!
i can see a new trend of iPad owners flashing signs at drivers while driving at night.
Old keyboards aside … is that a Microsoft mouse I see???
Heresy I say, heresy!
Memo to self: Order a dumpster and some disinfectant, and begin spring cleaning in the Doc’s hidey-hole…
nice wallpaper on the macbook!