I guess Buy.com didn’t get the memo
Given that Walmart is selling brand new 16 GB iPhone 3G S‘s for $97, I can’t help but think Buy.com is being a little optimistic by setting a “5 per customer” limit on these refurbished 8GB iPhone 3G’s for $400 (although this would certainly bode well for me selling my 3Gs on eBay in a month…).

AT&T only?
Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Walter for the tip!
it’s probably unlocked with the wrong listing. buy.com has unlocked iPhones from time to time.
I don’t know if they’re unlocked, but there’s no required contract, which makes this phone cost a minimum $400 and the Walmart model costs about $1500. minimum. If my contract estimates are accurate.
Not sure these are unlocked as it says in red lettering…AT&T only…so I’m guessing they are not unlocked and do require a contract…but hey…I could be wrong…
Yeah think Rob is correct, Off Contract/No Contract Required, but locked to AT&T, which isnt such a bad deal then.