“App for That” song pokes fun at App Culture – Has more green screen than a Cars video - Macenstein

“App for That” song pokes fun at App Culture – Has more green screen than a Cars video

Songwriters Jon Vezner and Si Kahn have written what they call “the quintessential anthem for all of us app addicts”, with “App for That.” I’m not entirely sure it will be a hit, but I must say, as an After Effects guy, I am very impressed with the sheer amount of compositing that went on to make this.

It seems the guys are trying to be a little platform independent with their somewhat generic looking touch devices, not specifically signaling out Apple’s gear, however, since Apple owns the trademark on the phrase “There’s an App for that”, I assume we should feel free to make this song our own.

5 Responses to ““App for That” song pokes fun at App Culture – Has more green screen than a Cars video”
  1. Shahar says:

    It sounds like this guy is really tired – every other word is “I’ve gotta’ nap…”

  2. Paul says:


    Intentional slip? :^)

  3. @ Paul,

    haha, yeah, I guess Freud might have something to say about that..
    – The Doc

  4. Jonro says:

    “I’ll just find me some WiFi and call you on Skype.” Very funny.

  5. Rob says:

    A lot of people say, “What’s that?” It’s Pat!
    A lot of people ask, “Who’s he? Or she?”
    A ma’am or a sir, accept him or her
    or whatever it might be.
    It’s time for androgyny.
    Here comes Pat!

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