Has this ever happened to you? - Macenstein

Has this ever happened to you?

bottle opener iphone case

I can’t think of anything I love more than infomercials. Especially ones that start with black and white footage of some overweight slob struggling with an exceedingly simple task, while our hero, fit and in color, easily tackles the problem thanks to whatever amazing gadget we’re trying to sell. Well, if you anything like me, you’re gonna love the iBottle opener, an iPhone case/bottle opener that promises to finally make your iPhone useful.

That’s right, all this can be yours for only $19.95! Pick up yours at Baron Bob. I assume operators are standing by.

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Church for the tip!

4 Responses to “Has this ever happened to you?”
  1. The Captain says:

    Do they still make bottle caps that don’t twist? 😉

  2. Rowlings says:


  3. Rob says:

    It makes me think…if Grey Powell had one of these…would things be different…

  4. Church says:

    Amstel, in particular, are still a bear.

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