Apple Employees make a “It Gets Better” Anti-gay bullying video (and it’s not even over a white background!) - Macenstein

Apple Employees make a “It Gets Better” Anti-gay bullying video (and it’s not even over a white background!)

Below is a very moving video of Apple Employees telling their stories of being bullied while growing up because they are gay. And as much as I support their cause, the one thing I can NOT get behind are those stupid giant, black ear-lobe stretching earring things. Seriously. I think anyone wearing those is just looking to get bullied, gay or straight.

Any kids out there looking to enter the medical field, look for a boom in earlobe reconstruction surgery in 10 years (along with tramp stamp removal).

5 Responses to “Apple Employees make a “It Gets Better” Anti-gay bullying video (and it’s not even over a white background!)”
  1. Ralphie Boyo says:

    Every one of us has our biases. If that’s the worst one you have, you are doing pretty dang good.

  2. ArtOfWarfare says:

    Seems like once you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all. I’m in my school GSA so this is the third or fourth one I saw… I watched it through thinking maybe they’d talk about what life is like working at Apple but was disappointed to find they didn’t really say anything. Oh well, doesn’t really matter given that I’m straight. I guess the idea behind the project is to just flood the internet with the message to make sure everyone gets it.

  3. Church says:

    Yeah, the earlobe-stretchy-things are offputting to me, and I came up with the whole body mod thing. But nobody deserves to get bullied. (Yes, I got the hyperbole. And laughed.)

    OTOH, earlobe-reconstruction therapy might be a good career choice.

    Tramp-stamp removal? Nah. Granny isn’t going to wear anything that would show it, but she might want to flash it to the young ones to establish her street cred.

  4. Matthew says:

    “Seriously. I think anyone wearing those is just looking to get bullied, gay or straight.” Wow. What a deeply unpleasant little man you must be. So, basically, if you look a bit weird, or a bit different, or choose to have some sort of bodily embellishment (which some people ) you then deserve to be bullied? FWIW – I think flesh tunnels are bloody horrible and whoever has those is likely going to look ridiculous when they get older, but for someone to be bullied for it? Jesus – That’s just taking it too far. It’s fine to not like the way something or someone looks, that’s opinion, but somehow justifying verbal or physical violence for it is fucking ludicrous. I’m hoping some day you are on the wrong end of some bizarre, mis-placed prejudice and you get an eyeful of what it must be like so you can get an attitude adjustment. I’m lucky, I haven’t ever had to deal with it, but clearly it affects a lot of people.

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