Creepy Video of the Week: An Empty Apple Store - Macenstein

Creepy Video of the Week: An Empty Apple Store

If this doesn’t send shivers down your spine than nothing will. Check out the video shot by YouTube user NSDinfoTV as he waited in line for the iPad 2 a week ago. An empty Apple Store just looks WRONG.

4 Responses to “Creepy Video of the Week: An Empty Apple Store”
  1. imajoebob says:

    Am I alone in thinking that looks more like a grade school library than an Apple Store?

  2. NSDinfoTV says:

    glad to see you read reddit 🙂
    also are you wondering how i noticed you featured my video? youtube shows where views are coming from now…its cool to see i have some support!

  3. Rob says:

    How cool would it be to have the giant iPad in the front window.

  4. imajoebob says:

    @Rob – Ask Wolf Blitzer. He gets to use a bigger one every day. (Well, his is probably Windows…)

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