Angry Birds, domino style - Macenstein

Angry Birds, domino style

When it comes the the YouTube Domino video world, Flippycat is a legend (yes, there IS a YouTube Domino world). In fact, his amazing clips inspired my son to make his own awesome domino videos when he was 3 (and by awesome, I mean adorably horrible), and I invite you to check them out here and here). But I’m not here simply to bore you with home movies, rather, to point out Flippycat’s awesomeness. Check out his clever domino homage to Angry Birds below.

One Response to “Angry Birds, domino style”
  1. Chris Leither says:

    DOC (saying it in a Marty McFly way 😀 )
    Fuck Angry Birds… your kid is just awesome 😀 I mean… he seems to be just like a younger version of yourself 😀

    Best scenes… kicking the black dominotower with his foot… and using the BIG (what is it ?!) cat transportbox… as a domino brick 😀
    Totally made me laugh out loud… and thus… MADE MY DAY.

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