Angry Birds Live - Macenstein

Angry Birds Live

When I first saw this “Angry Birds Live” spot for T-Mobile, I immediately thought two things. :
1) Wow, this is cool.
2) Wow, they sure hired a lot of hip young attractive people for all the reaction shots.

But, if you can detach yourself from the “forced” feeling of the crowd reactions (and the fact that it’s a T-Mobile spot using a game that’s available on pretty much every mobile device to act as a selling point instead of anything truly unique), this is still a pretty awesome video.

4 Responses to “Angry Birds Live”
  1. Anthony says:

    “they sure hired a lot of hip young attractive people for all the reaction shots.”

    It is Barcelona …

  2. Rowlings says:

    you saying there’s no ugly people in Barcelona?

    • ArtOfWarfare says:

      He didn’t say, or imply that; he only implied that there are a lot of hip young attractive people in Barcelona.

      Clearly not all of them are hip, young, and attractive, as I saw an elderly woman who was only hip, not young or attractive, in this video.

  3. Rob says:

    They really hate birds over there…don’t they…or they are all at the stage of inebriation where everything is funny….then the fighting starts…wait that’s Jersey Shore..

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