Apple brings back the Click Wheel with its new Cupertino Campus proposal - Macenstein

Apple brings back the Click Wheel with its new Cupertino Campus proposal

Everyone’s saying Apple’s new proposed office campus looks like a spaceship, and I won’t argue, but I must say that from the air (especially If that damn apartment building on the left had let Apple buy them) I’m pretty sure Apple’s new corporate park would look more or less like an iPod classic.

The video below is footage of Steve Jobs showing off the proposed campus to the Cupertino City council, and it’s a really fun watch, as far as City Council meetings go. First, it’s nice to see how Quickly Steve shuts down the greedy council woman who asks what’s “in it” for Cupertino… “Well, as you know, we’re the largest taxpayer in Cupertino, so we’d like to continue to stay here and pay taxes.”

In other words, “Listen lady, don’t f–k with us, or we’ll take our ball and go play at another field.”

The other fun thing about this video is to watch as the seats behind Steve gradually fill up with spectators and people taking his picture as his presentation goes on. Steve obviously has groupies.

via 9 to 5

10 Responses to “Apple brings back the Click Wheel with its new Cupertino Campus proposal”
  1. Blake says:

    wow, he really never takes that turtleneck and those jeans off, does he

  2. Jonro says:

    The concept is spectacular. It’s beautiful and it blends into the environment. My question is about how you get from one office to another? It might take 20 minutes to walk to the other side of that building. I wonder if some type of internal monorail substitutes for elevators.

  3. Blake says:

    also i believe there should be a caption contest for this screen grab:

  4. Chris says:

    You can just feel Steve’s pain and frustration at having to answer their inane questions.

  5. Erick Senkmajer says:

    While I am not surprised, I still sadly shake my head at the questions: “Have you considered safety issues, like fire?” “Can we get free wifi?” “Will you allow smoking indoors?” “Can you open an Apple store here?”

  6. andrew says:

    So where’s the parking lot? 12,500 employees plus visitors and support vehicles? I’m sure it’s not hiding beneath the trees, wait a minute… that’s where the parking IS going! Forget the trees and landscaping, it’s all getting paved over. Funny Jobs & Apple didn’t mention that in their proposal to the City.

    • Ian says:

      @ Andrew

      Yes he did and it is all going underground, that is how they are getting 80% landscape 20% development. Try watching the video before commenting.

      My only question is where they put the next 10,000 employees.

  7. Dan says:

    After watching that city council response, I have to applaud Mr. Job’s civil demeanor. I’d be ready to snap after cringing and lauding “green facilities,” bus routes, making my employees bike to work and highlighting all of the trees I’d be planting for the city’s benefit, and then have to deal with not-subtle hints for free wifi, traffic planning, and building an apple store in the town.

    Let’s not forget the “safety requirements,” and “do you know about this polluter?” questions. I would have answered, “That’s why we hired architects, dumba**,” to the first (i’m one myself). The answer to the second was about as perfectly politic as you can get. Neither agree or disagree with the opinion, and head off the obvious following question with, “They bought the land fair-and-square.”

    My hat’s off to you Cali businesses. While designing and building for companies in your state is hard enough, it must be twice as hard operating there. Experience probably teaches all that mealy-mouthed savvy.

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