Conan posts an awesome video only 100 people understood - Macenstein

Conan posts an awesome video only 100 people understood

As a testament to how unpopular the new Final Cut Pro X is with professional editors, Conan O’Brien dedicated a full 2 minutes of his show to ripping the new piece of software, despite the fact that 99.999% of his audience had probably never even heard of Final Cut Pro.

This video is also a testament to how once your late night show moves to basic cable, you can pretty much do whatever you want and not have to worry about entertaining your core audience. (Still, for those of us in the know, this video is hilarious).

3 Responses to “Conan posts an awesome video only 100 people understood”
  1. Killer's Dad says:

    Who are the other 98?

  2. GlowingApple says:

    Perhaps there’s only 100 people using Final Cut, but anyone who’s gone through the iMovie ’06 to ’08 “upgrade” or QT 7 to QT X can certainly understand the situation!

  3. Church says:

    Yeah, anyone who ‘upgraded’ to 08 will understand the joke. At least in that case the made the previous version a free download for a couple years while they fixed the new one. It’s baffling that they’re not doing something similar now.

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